Wednesday night Restricted Teams

The completion of this event last night resulted in the Jolly team of Megan, Leanne Curry, Yzhong Chen and Gary Foidl finishing as clear winners, with the Gray team of Ella, Dallas/Barry, Mark Hodges, Richard Wagstaff and Eddie Tan in second place. This was the first year this event has been in the Wednesday programme and from the positive comments added to the format survey, will be included in future programmes. Although the non-open players found the limited time allowed for play a challenge on the first night, by week 3 most were coping admirably with playing even the most difficult boards in the time allowed – this has been carried through to their Tuesday night play where the juniors who played in this event completed playing three boards in the time it usually takes to play two. Well done!

The format used this year was open/open pairings with the junior and intermediate team members playing together. Because the match committee were divided on the most appropriate format for this event next year, we surveyed the participants for their preference with the results of the survey below:


so obviously the format will remain the same for future years and we hope more junior and intermediate players will join the open players. To increase the enjoyment of the event, we will play less boards next year to allow time for team discussions on the results directly after each round.

Ella from the Match Committee