Cashless Bridge - updated

The cashless system - Compa$$

Thank you to all the members who have paid in advance for their table money, either to the Directors or online - one member who shall remain nameless is expecting good things from his bridge this year and deposited $150. Thanks also to our Directors who received this small mountain. The good news is, they will not need to collect any more.

The amounts received are being credited to your Compass$$ accounts this week. We will be sending out an email after the end of the month when all the money received and session deductions made so far are detailed on your account. Please check it and let us know of any anomalies - being a new system, there is sure to be a couple. We are joining several bridge clubs in the Waikato region who are benefiting from this excellent addition to our existing scoring package. Please keep in mind that many hours have been spent setting up this system by club members giving up their leisure time plus the many many hours author Bob Fearn spent writing this innovative programme as well as the support he gives us with both Compass and Compass$$.
Any teething issues we are experiencing are due to Dave and myself learning to understand the process of implementing this new programme, introduced in order to improve the club's procedures and members' enjoyment.

As a reminder, all you need to do in the future is to transfer an amount to the club's bank account - 01 0315 0381282 01 - or pay to Donna during office hours.
