Hamilton Club RealBridge -
Session links -
Hamilton Open Teams 5A - Important information for players
Please ensure your Partner / Team has read this information
Format, Timetable, Supplementary Regulations and other information
During the course of this tournament, the Match Committee, or for reasons of expediency, the Director in Charge may make additions and/or alterations to the Format and Supplementary Regulations if it is considered in the best interests of the Tournament to do so.
Format Online Real Bridge
Swiss teams, 6 x 11 board matches, Imps converted to VPs
First draw computerised random, thereafter Swiss draw
The Swiss draw will be done by Real Bridge at the expiry of the allocated match time , at the discretion of the director, irrespective of any outstanding score corrections, pending appeals, or any other issues which may arise
No consideration shall be given to the effect that such outstanding issues may have on the subsequent draw/s.
Players links will be sent out to all captains ( and possibly to all players ) on Thursday 6th July along with the list of teams and your respective team number.
Captains are expected to have the phone contacts of their team on hand in case there is need to contact members of your team for any reason , e.g. technical difficulties, and to ensure that their team members have all the necessary information
Timing and Timetable 70 mins per match
Match 1 10.00am
Match 2 11.15am
Match 3 12.30pm
Match 4 2.10pm
Match 5 3.25pm
Short afternoon break
Match 6 4.45pm
Estimate finishing time 6.00 pm
A time of 70 minutes will be allowed for completion of each 11 board match. A timer is visible on your screen at all times.
No boards will normally be withdrawn*, but any teams failing to finish the match and have their final result entered by 70 minutes limit may be subject to 0.4VP penalty for each minute or part thereof over that time. If you have concerns about timing at your table please draw attention to it early!
Captains are to ensure that players are seated 10 minutes before the scheduled start of the first match, and 2 mins before the scheduled starting times for all other matches
Allowable Systems
All systems allowed
Yellow systems ( Hums )
Brown Sticker conventions
Note, Hums and Brown sticker conventions are disallowed because of the requirement to make available written defences.
Alerting and System cards
Players are required to announce and alert as if it were live play
Players should have their system card available in case the director requests an email copy
The two outer pages must be fully filled in, but it is recommended that all 4 pages are completed.
A short pre alert must be posted into the chat box before the start of each match and players should announce and alert as if it were live table play
Undos are not permitted unless approved for a bridge reason by the director.
Mis-clicks, for the most part, are not a valid reason for requesting an undo.
Technical requirements and Responsibilities
It is each player’s responsibility to ensure that their connection to RealBridge is stable and that both camera, and audio are working adequately.
Delays during the event caused by computer technical problems and /or RealBridge communication issues will be treated as below:
• First offence, up to 3 minutes - warning …
• First offence greater than 5 minutes OR any 2nd offence … EITHER of which delays the completion of a match within the allocated match time of 70 minutes - average minus for each uncompleted board.
Should a player’s RealBridge communication cause inconvenience to the opponents for more than 2 matches, then the director may ask that pair/ that team to withdraw for the rest of the event.
Late arrival / slow play will be dealt with as per NZ Bridge Tournament Regulations 7.3 and 7.4
Cell Phones: Cell phones should be turned off during matches unless the Director has specifically requested a player to use one for communication.
Environment :
Real Bridge cameras must remain on at all time during a match.
Players should be aware of the environment they are in and what is able to be seen by other players joining their table. Players must have control and responsibility for their own presentation and that of people and signage in view of their camera or range of their microphone. Where possible players should be seated and avoid lounging or lying down whilst playing unless that is a health necessity for them.
Please avoid activities that generate noise which may disrupt other parties
Appeals :
Notice of appeal must be made to the director within 30 minutes of the ruling.
Note some rulings may necessarily be delayed to allow the directing team to consult on the matter ..
Excepting that appeals arising from rulings made in Match 6, where the notification of appeal must be made within 5 minutes of the end of the match
In the case of an appeal , at the directors discretion
• the director will arrange for an online Real Bridge meeting
• alternatively a Zoom meeting not necessarily on the same day ,but as soon as practically possible.
• Or alternatively off the paperwork by an Appeals committee organised by the match committee at some later date.
• Such appeals may delay the publication of the final official results .
Results :
Real Bridge results at the end of the tournament are Not the official results .
There may be necessary score adjustments made after the tournament, and these will not show on Real Bridge
The official results will be those published on the Hamilton Club website
Winners Prize Payment :
Prize money will be deposited directly into the winners’ bank account. Once results are confirmed, winners please email the Club with your bank details
Match Committee Mereana Cullen, Barry Jones, Dave Edson, Cherie Barton, Allan Joseph
Tournament Secretary Julie Thorburn - EMAIL TELEPHONE 07-839 4547
Online Directors Allan Joseph ( director in charge)
Kim Tate
Further enquiries please contact
Allan Joseph email mobile 027 4688 972
Cherie Barton email
Links -
★ RealBridge Camera and Microphone Tests
★ Important information about RealBridge Screen mode
★ New Zealand Bridge Website - PDF System cards
Updates :
5.50pm , 4th July - Draft version
7.26am , 6 July - Version 1 - corrected start/duration times, board numbers