Hamilton Constitution update
Hamilton Bridge - Constitution Update
At the 2023 AGM meeting the Hamilton Bridge Club intends to introduce a resolution for the members to vote on changes to the current constitution. The vote for these changes will take place at a Special General Meeting ( SGM ) to be held immediately after the AGM. The vote is a simple YES / NO vote - there is no discussion on the content so concerns or suggestions need to be resolved prior to the meeting and "Constitution Lock" date of November 8th
The reason for the updated constitution – in 2020 the Government announced and then in 2022 passed a parliamentary bill with a lot of changes to the Incorporated Society legislation. These changes will have a number of impacts on the Hamilton Contract Bridge Club and will require a multitude of changes to the Club constitution and practices at the Club
However, more importantly, Inland Revenue has identified a problem it has with the Hamilton Club’s current constitution which it requires the Club to fix this year or the Club will lose its current tax exemption !!
As this must take place this year the Club is using the opportunity to make a start on the changes it will ultimately need to make. The changes proposed for the coming SGM, with the exception of one item ( this adds “Conflicts of Interest” ), concentrate on making the constitution reflect current working practices at the Club thus getting them out of the way and allowing the Club to concentrate on the changes due to the Government.
Further information is available on the links below
Proposed Constitution -
The New Constitution to be voted on @ SGM
Current Constitution showing the changes to be made to the current Constitution
Summary of the future changes required by the Government Legislation and the 2022 Act
Incorporated Societies -
Incorporated Societies - a short introduction
Information on Incorporated Societies (links)
Prior versions of the Hamilton Constitution -
Versions of the Hamilton Club Constitutions
Should you require more information on the changes proposed, disagree or wish to comment on them then contact the Club secretary @ contact@hamiltonbridge.co.nz or speak to one of the Committee. Comments or changes must be with the secretary before they close on the 8th November.