Welcome to Bridge for 2023

Welcome to 2023
Bridge for 2023

Welcome to 2023 and a new year of bridge at the Hamilton Club. One hopes you were able to take advantage of what has been a great period of settled summer weather and now you are ready for the challenges of bridge. Even Covid seems to have taken a holiday of sorts. Long may it continue !

Summer Bridge - this starts again on Tuesday 10th January and continues for the following 3 weeks to the end of the month - should you need all the Summer Bridge dates then click this link here . Once summer bridge concludes the regular bridge programme will commence.....

Table Money - unfortunately the New Year brings a cost increase for all of us players with Table Money increasing to $5. The Club like everyone else has suffered with increased expenses and along with a reduction in the number of members playing we need to minimise as much as possible our losses. Mereana, our President, will be expanding on this subject here in the near future. To help your Club the best thing you can do is for you to play and to encourage your friends to also play.

2023 Programme Book - This is close to being complete but the Club is waiting for approval from external parties and for our printers to return from their Xmas break to progress

Lessons - The other thing you can do to help the Club with is the forthcoming Bridge Lessons - the Club each year needs new members to make up for the natural turnover of members so if you have friends, family, neighbours, workmates who could be interested in bridge then send them a copy of the link below


Happy Bridge