Christmas & New Year 2021

Overall places - Interclub 2021

Hi all

Bridge in 2021 turned into another difficult year we could mostly happily forget but has finally come to an end. Hamilton Bridge is now on holiday with the Club closed for regular bridge until the start of February
Summer Bridge for 2022 commences on 11th January - the Club will be running four sessions of Bridge each week - the link will show you those dates click here

In addition we are planning to start a new feature in 2022 - a once weekly session of RealBridge commencing on Sunday 16th January @ 7pm which it is hoped will run thru the remainder of the bridge year. It will be run as two streams - Open and Junior with Intermediates able to chose according to "their comfort level"

You will no doubt have noticed that subscription notices and programme books for 2022 have not yet been delivered - the delay being largely due to Covid slowing down the process of book production and the finalising of next year's advertising programme

For those who would like to see the programme now, there is a copy of each session's programme on this web site under the Info TAB - click here ( these programme dates are correct as at the date the information was placed on the web site but please confirm dates when your programme book arrives )

2022 Bridge Year
The format for bridge sessions in 2022 can't yet be confirmed but the intention is for it to be the format the Club has used for many years - face to face bridge. Should this not prove possible Summer Bridge will revert to RealBridge in the first instance to allow time for further decisions. There are too many variables at present to be definitive about what happens at the start of 2022 - Covid itself and the possible entry into New Zealand of the latest strain, Covid and how it reacts to the release of Auckland from lock-down, how Covid and holidays "work" together etc etc.

Take care and keep safe and have a happy and enjoyable break

Hamilton Bridge

Should you need to contact the Bridge Club over shutdown, use email via this link or (

Club Office - Closed from 17th December 2021 until 11th January 2022

Summer Bridge from 21 November until Xmas 2021

Image of AGM notice
Summer Bridge for 2021 - 2022

To all club members:
The situation with Covid and the lock-down level has improved in the last day or so but there is considerable concern amongst our members in where this is taking us as the number of cases of Covid is increasing. Not helping here is the change in the notification system from Lock-down Level to the "Traffic Lights" along with the ability for Aucklanders to travel in the near future and what the impact of that will be.

The Club this week has been surveying its members on how they would like to play - face to face or online via the RealBridge Platform

Summer Bridge until Xmas -


Payment -
Non Hamilton Club members are required to deposit $3 per session to the Hamilton Club bank account No. 01-0315-0381282-01

Please ensure you add your name and the event with your bank transfer

Clubs members table money will be charged to their Compa$$ account

If you invite a friend from outside the club to play it is your responsibility to ensure payment

Monday Evening - RealBridge for 7.00pm start

Tuesday Afternoon - Face to face at the Club-rooms for 1.00pm start

Tuesday Evening for JUNIORS & BEGINNERS ONLY - RealBridge for 7.00pm start

Thursday Evening - RealBridge for 7.00pm start

Friday morning - Face to face at the Club-rooms in Richmond Room for 10.00am start ( Summer Bridge )

Friday morning - Face to face at the Club-rooms in O'Neill Room for 10.00am start

At the current Level 2 our safety precautions for FACE to FACE Bridge are as follows:
•    If you come to bridge you must be well and have no symptoms of any illness
•   The use of face masks is mandatory. The club has a limited number of disposable ones available but please bring your own
•   The kitchen will be closed
•   At the re- start of Bridge in 2022 players will be required to show a Covid Vaccination Certificate to play in the Club-rooms
•   You bring your own pen that travels with you
•   Only South will handle the BridgeMate. East will verbally agree to the score
•   Hand sanitiser to be used will be provided at the entrance to the playing rooms and selected locations in both rooms
•   Contact details will be recorded as per the government Covid requirements
•   Friday Day Bridge - separate rooms

Should we find that insufficient numbers decide to play at Lock-down Level 2 we will revert to RealBridge

Summer Bridge after Xmas will decided on after the Club looks at how Bridge has performed over the next 4 weeks running up to Xmas

Social RealBridge

Results Hamilton Bridge Club 2021 - 2022 AGM


 Election Results 2021 - 2022

  President :   Nigel Gresson

  Vice President :   Mereana Cullen

  Club Captain :   Laura Sommerville
  Committee :

    Cherie Barton
    Hugh Barton
    Dave Edson
    Ella Gray
    Rachelle Meijer
    Richard Wagstaff


Julie Thorburn

2021 AGM

Image of AGM notice To all club members:

Following Wednesday's announcement by the government that the Waikato /Hamilton area will move to Level 2 on 16 November The Hamilton Bridge Club will hold the 2021 AGM on Sunday 21 November at the Club-rooms in Richmond Street

The Quorum for the AGM is 30 financial members so please attend

Sundays approx. timetable for the AGM -
▶ 2pm AGM
▶ Approx 2.30pm - Selected Trophies will be presented
▶ At conclusion of the prizes "fun bridge" commences till approx 5.30pm
▶ Christmas Dinner concludes the event

Cost for dinner and bridge - $10 charged to your Compa$$ account

For the Level 2 rules applying Sunday our safety precautions are the following:
•    If you come to the AGM or bridge you must be well and have no symptoms of any illness
•   The use of face masks while playing bridge is mandatory. The club has a limited number available but please bring your own
•   The kitchen will be closed to all but those preparing the dinner
•   All attendees are required to show Covid Vaccination Certificate
•   You bring your own pen that travels with you
•   Only South will handle the BridgeMate. East will verbally agree to the score
•   Hand sanitiser to be used will be provided at the entrance to the playing rooms and selected locations in both rooms
•   Where possible physical distancing will be employed in the O'Neill room to alleviate the requirement for face masks
•   Contact details will be recorded as per the government Covid requirements
•   Select officers of the Club and all workers will wear masks at all times

Nigel Gresson
15 November 2021

Hamilton Bridge - 2021 AGM

Notice is given that The Bridge Club's AGM is planned for Sunday 21 November at 2pm however should lock-down prevent this the AGM will be rescheduled to 28th November. Should this happen the AGM on 28th will be "face to face" or by Zoom dependent on the state of lock-down

The Quorum for the AGM is 30 financial members

The Committee - the Club needs more members for the next committee. If you feel you have something to give to the Club then can you please contact our President Nigel re the next steps
Whether this AGM takes place is outside the control of the Club due to Covid 19 and is a lock-down in effect

If No Covid lock-downs in place on AGM day -
▶ 2pm AGM
▶ Selected Premium Trophies will be presented ( majority of the prizes are presented at the session "party nights" )
▶ At conclusion of the prizes ( AGM ) "fun bridge" commences till approx 5.30pm
▶ After bridge Christmas Dinner concludes the event


Covid Lock-down on AGM day
Should there be a lock-down in effect during the week prior to the AGM then the AGM will be re-scheduled to the 28th November
Should it not be possible to hold the AGM on the 28th the meeting will be held using a Zoom session on the same day. The agenda for this meeting will be confirmed when the Zoom held event becomes necessary otherwise the meeting day will run as per that planned for the 21st

◉ Members have the chance to raise any Club issue at the AGM. These must be raised by writing or emailing to the Club via the Club Secretary

◉ Election of officers for the Club takes place at the AGM. Nominations for these need to be submitted on the forms found attached to this web page or on the Clubs website ( Info on the top menu )


Submitting Notices or Nominations -

The Club notes that the presence of a Lock-down in the 2 weeks prior to the AGM date will potentially influence the ability to deliver notices or nominations to the Club. It is also appreciated that it may not be possible then to hand deliver notices to the Club or have paper copies on the appropriate Club forms either.

The Club is flexible here and will accept a form deposited in the Club mailbox or those scanned , printed or photographed and then emailed to the Secretary. Where it is not possible to print the form a handwritten copy of the form provided it contains all the required information will be acceptable

All forms received ( notices & nominations ) will be displayed on receipt on the Club website in lieu of display on the Club notice board if a Lock-down is in effect. Signatures or Identifying Names will removed for reasons of privacy but a copy of any document will be available to members on request from the Club Secretary.


Important dates -

▶ Month of November - the AGM is required by the constitution to be held in this month

▶ Sunday 21st November - Current planned day for AGM    

▶ Reserve day for the AGM is 28th November

▶ Receipt of any request from members for an issue to be raised / discussed at the AGM - 14days prior on 7th November

▶ Election of officers - nominations close 7 days prior to AGM on 14th November


Zoom AGM -
If the AGM is to be undertaken using Zoom all members of the Club will be emailed the standard set of documents to be presented at the AGM. This will take place not less than 72hrs before the date of the AGM


Trophies -
Should you be the current holder of a Club trophy then please discuss the return of the trophy with the Club Secretary


Downloads -
Nomination for Club Office form

Hamilton Bridge Constitution 2017


Nigel Gresson
1 November 2021

Hamilton Club Bridge using RealBridge

RealBridge @ Hamilton Club

RealBridge is to be used from November 1st as a substitute to regular bridge while the Covid lock-down is present in Hamilton

Click on the "Session Links" link below when ready to start...

Introduction to RealBridge - The link here takes you to a page on the Club website which has a brief introduction on how You, RealBridge & the Hamilton Club will interconnect for bridge. There are further links provided to the "how to play" page on RealBridge and a link to check your microphone and camera.

Sessions Links - Click here for the links     (these open approx. 30 minutes prior to the start time)

RealBridge @ Hamilton Bridge - Teams Results

Waikato Bays / Hamilton Teams - This event took place over the Sunday and Monday of Labour weekend and was the first on-line event the Hamilton Club has ever run. 54 teams from all over New Zealand plus 3 Australian players took part in what turned out to be a very popular event amongst the participants
The first list shows the overall top eight teams in the event while the Hamilton 500 lists the first 3 teams where the players have between 200 and 500 rating points. Similarly the Hamilton 200 is limited to players whose rating points are between 0 and 200. The event proved popular even amongst those not taking part with up to 70 Kibitzing the event at times

Bridge is again suspended due to 5 day Lock-down for Hamilton

Image of Coronavirus Update notice To all club members:

With the announcement by the government on 3 October of a 5 day, Level 3 Lock-down starting Monday for the coming week ALL bridge is suspended at the Hamilton Club until at least Friday 8th October

The Club will review the suspension when the state of the lock-down is back to level 2 or the government changes the regulations applying to this part of the country

Until then we hope and trust members stay well and safe, and very much look forward to seeing you all at the bridge table soon

Any queries or concerns can be emailed to the club’s email address (


Hamilton Bridge restarts from 28 September

Image of Coronavirus Update notice
NZ bridge has advised that Bridge clubs can reopen for play at Lock-down Level 2 if they choose, with certain safety standards. Several clubs in our region and many in other parts of the country have partially reopened or are preparing to reopen shortly

Your committee has met and the decision was made to reopen the club starting the coming Tuesday of next week - 28 September, with sessions on Tuesday afternoon, Tuesday evening, Thursday evening and Friday morning ( Friday numbers are capped at 100 due to the Lock-down rules )

Obviously, it is an individual decision whether you wish to play in Level 2 and the committee understands that

At the current Level 2 our safety precautions are the following:
•    If you come to bridge you must be well and have no symptoms of any illness
•   The use of face masks is mandatory. The club has a limited number of disposable ones available but please bring your own
•   The kitchen will be closed
•   Members of the Hamilton Club only - NO VISITORS
•   You bring your own pen that travels with you
•   Only South will handle the BridgeMate. East will verbally agree to the score
•   Hand sanitiser to be used will be provided at the entrance to the playing rooms and selected locations in both rooms
•   Contact details will be recorded as per the government Covid requirements
•   Friday Day Bridge - dependent on numbers as to room allocation. TBC on the day but in one room if possible

Should we find that insufficient numbers decide to play at Lock-down Level 2, we will again stop bridge until Lock-down Level 1 is achieved

There will be a further update on the club website after the next Government announcement should change be required

Nigel - President

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