Welcome Back

No more Sunday Bridge with Phil

 Welcome Back Promotion......

I guess it’s fair to say that all Clubs across the motu are finding it difficult to rebuild and return to normal services. The whack of Covid has put not only our game but the entire basis of our normal daily grind into chaos as we try to find our true North again
We read NZ Bridge’s guidelines and are attempting to kick start Hamilton Bridge Club back into life and the very basis of this genesis comes back to... the members
The core of our programme simply needs you playing
As the Committee strives to get bums on seats, we just need a few things from you:
   Play bridge
   Become financial
   Tell a fellow bridge player to come back to play
Quite a simple but immensely effective plan

There’s even a little bonus gift/competition on offer to returning players – no cost to you, it’s just a little thanks as a coming back gesture from the Club so check out the link for the T & C’s.     Click here for the details

 Hamilton Club President

Phil's Sunday Bridge ends

No more Sunday Bridge with Phil

 Lazy Sunday afternoon Bridge finishes......

Last Sunday (24th April) was the end of this event. Insufficient interest makes unecomomic to carry on with a session at this time.
It's possible Sunday afternoon bridge may return in another form later in the year if there is demand but for now "Goodbye"


Facemask Update

Image of facemask
Facemasks are now optional
To all club members -
With the change in traffic light setting from RED to ORANGE, the Club has done what many of you have been asking for re the wearing of facemasks - removed compulsory wearing.
From April 19th on-wards the wearing of facemasks at the Club for all bridge is now optional. Please now return to regular play as you said you would as your Club needs you !

Members can now bring visitors along to all sessions

RealBridge will continue to be offered as an alternative to those who don't feel comfortable with this change at the Club.

Hamilton Bridge
April 2022

Subscription payments and Covid

Hi all

Another Covid year rolls on and we have now changed from Red to Orange but to a lot of us we aren't sure if this is actually real improvement. The Club has noticed this also by the all time low speed that payments of members subscriptions have arrived so far this year.
In a "more normal" year this is not really an issue as the Table Money received helps even out our cash flow, but this year Table Money is also down meaning that managing our cash flow is becoming a challenge and a potential problem. Unfortunately the Club's piggy bank is not a bottomless pit and does require a "top up" from time to time !

So where to now? - we are planning on returning another session to face to face bridge as the current events finish which is what a lot of you are telling us you would like. If this return of bridge at the Club back to face to face is still leaving you uncertain about playing, come and talk to our secretary or the committee and arrange to have your current membership put "on hold" for a period. It will help us smooth our cash flow a little in that we will not need to pay the $23 NZ Bridge Levy we pay for each member yearly and we will still be able to include you in our future budget and planning.

Should you be in the group who are playing and haven't yet paid your subscription we ask you to pay it now as it is overdue. If you choose not to pay or contact us about being "on hold" for a period, please don't be offended if we contact you by email or phone to ask about payment intentions as this group is still rather large......

Hamilton Bridge

Tuesday Night Bridge - return to Face to Face


 Tuesday Evening Bridge
 Return to "Face to Face" from April 12

The Match Committee has decided to return Tuesday Night bridge to Face to Face Bridge. This commences next Tuesday - 12th April which is the first week of the Alder Trophy Individual Pairs. When organising partners for this event remember to qualify in the event you need a different partner for each of the three nights


RealBridge v Face to Face

Back at the end of February the Club undertook a short survey to see what members' preferences were for playing bridge at the Club and Face to Face or on-line via RealBridge. The response to the survey was very good with around 130 replies which is approximately 50% of the current membership. The Club thru the committee is watching all the bridge being played currently and considering possible changes in play at the end of each of the current events ( i.e. every 3 weeks ). The other good news is that the majority of members seem likely to return to "bridge as it was" once the current Covid peak has passed


( click Read More below to see the complete article )

Bridge Sessions.......


 Bridge sessions from "NZ Day" on......
   One week on from our decisions to change the Thursday Night Session from Face to Face bridge to RealBridge we are back again make further changes in how the sessions are run. Numbers playing the evening sessions continue to decline which makes bridge on those sessions less interesting, somewhat more of a lottery scoring along with each session costing the Club money. We can't say these are the end of changes to session play as the latest version of Covid slowly works it way into New Zealand life but does mean the sessions on RealBridge are unlikely to change again for the foreseeable future.
The Committee has decided that Tuesday & Wednesday nights will also now move to the RealBridge platform. For the moment Monday Night will remain to Face to Face with no change in the rules applying while Covid and numbers playing permit.

Nigel Gresson


Thursday Bridge - 3rd February onwards

Numbers for the three Thursday Summer bridge nights were not as expected and fell as the events took place. Hence the decision has been made the first Thursday Night event - "Thursday Opening Pairs" will played on RealBridge rather than live.
The start time is 7.30pm
RealBridge link details in the usual place

Depending on numbers for the other nights over the same period decsions will be made on whether RealBridge will replace some or all of these events.

Nigel Gresson
31 January 2022

Bridge for 2022 - an update....

To all club members -
The committee of the Bridge Club meet yesterday to consider what the Club should do with with bridge at the Club considering the current and pending changes to Covid and made the following decisions -


•    The playing rooms will be arranged to maximise table isolation
     External ventilation, weather & security permitting will be provided by the use of the fans, building doors and windows
     Be prepared to find the air conditioning is NOT running so dress as as required

•    Bridge, as per the programme book will continue as normal from 31 January
     The first competition of each session will run as normal ( 3 weeks ) before numbers etc. are evaluated
     If numbers do not support Face to Face bridge all bridge will revert to RealBridge

These previously announced Covid measures continue to apply -

•    If you come to bridge you must be well and have no symptoms of any illness

•    ALL Players will be required to show a Covid Vaccine Pass to play in the Club-rooms
     This is a one time requirement for each person unless the rules of the Vaccine Pass are changed

•    Hand sanitiser will be provided at the entrance to the building / playing rooms and selected locations in both rooms
     Please sanitise on arrival and departure from the Club

•    The use of face masks is mandatory to enter the club - signing in, sanitising etc.....

•    The kitchen will be open but please DO NOT share food or drinks

•    You bring your own pen that travels with you

•    Only South will handle the BridgeMate. East will verbally agree to the score

•    Contact details will be recorded as per the government Covid requirements
     The Club would ask all members to make use of the Covid Contract Tracing App when visiting the Club-rooms

•    The two Friday Day Bridge sessions will be played in separate rooms

•    Bridge Club employees will wear masks when their duties take them to the playing room

•    Bridge Club employees will be required to show a valid Covid Vaccine Pass

Should insufficient numbers play under these conditions Club play will revert to RealBridge

Nigel Gresson
26 January 2022

Welcome to Hamilton Bridge for 2022

Image of AGM notice
Bridge for 2022
To all club members -
Covid allowed us a normal Xmas / New Break this year so we hope that you and your family & friends were able to take advantage of this break and get ready for the coming year
Its very unlikely we have seen the end of Covid but meanwhile Bridge at the Club will be able to restart with face to face bridge during the week of 10th January. Summer bridge commences from the 11th January with our usual bridge programme starting from the beginning of February

These precautions will be re-visited and updated when and if the Omicron variant of Covid becomes established in NZ

At the current Orange Level our safety precautions for FACE to FACE Bridge are as follows:

•    If you come to bridge you must be well and have no symptoms of any illness

•    ALL Players will be required to show a Covid Vaccine Pass to play in the Club-rooms
     This is a one time requirement for each person unless the rules of the Vaccine Pass are changed

•    Hand sanitiser will be provided at the entrance to the building / playing rooms and selected locations in both rooms
     Please sanitise on arrival and departure from the Club

•    The use of face masks is mandatory to enter the club - signing in, sanitising etc.....

•    The wearing of Masks once seated is recommended but currently not compulsory
     This is based on the premise the Bridge Club is a private location and not open to the public
     We suggest you research MASKs at the Ministry of Health website to help confirm your decision by looking here

•    The kitchen will be open but please DO NOT share food or drinks

•    You bring your own pen that travels with you

•    Only South will handle the BridgeMate. East will verbally agree to the score

•    Contact details will be recorded as per the government Covid requirements
     The Club would ask all members to make use of the Covid Contract Tracing App when visiting the Club-rooms

•    The two Friday Day Bridge sessions will be played in separate rooms

•    Bridge Club employees will wear masks when their duties take them to the playing room

•    Where possible the playing room will be arranged to maximise group isolation
     External ventilation, weather & security permitting will be provided by the use of the building doors and windows

•    Bridge Club employees will be required to show a valid Covid Vaccine Pass

Should we find that insufficient numbers decide to play under these conditions we will revert to RealBridge

Nigel Gresson
January 2022

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