To all club members -
The committee of the Bridge Club meet yesterday to consider what the Club should do with with bridge at the Club considering the current and pending changes to Covid and made the following decisions -
• The playing rooms will be arranged to maximise table isolation
External ventilation, weather & security permitting will be provided by the use of the fans, building doors and windows
Be prepared to find the air conditioning is NOT running so dress as as required
• Bridge, as per the programme book will continue as normal from 31 January
The first competition of each session will run as normal ( 3 weeks ) before numbers etc. are evaluated
If numbers do not support Face to Face bridge all bridge will revert to RealBridge
These previously announced Covid measures continue to apply -
• If you come to bridge you must be well and have no symptoms of any illness
• ALL Players will be required to show a Covid Vaccine Pass to play in the Club-rooms
This is a one time requirement for each person unless the rules of the Vaccine Pass are changed
• Hand sanitiser will be provided at the entrance to the building / playing rooms and selected locations in both rooms
Please sanitise on arrival and departure from the Club
• The use of face masks is mandatory to enter the club - signing in, sanitising etc.....
• The kitchen will be open but please DO NOT share food or drinks
• You bring your own pen that travels with you
• Only South will handle the BridgeMate. East will verbally agree to the score
• Contact details will be recorded as per the government Covid requirements
The Club would ask all members to make use of the Covid Contract Tracing App when visiting the Club-rooms
• The two Friday Day Bridge sessions will be played in separate rooms
• Bridge Club employees will wear masks when their duties take them to the playing room
• Bridge Club employees will be required to show a valid Covid Vaccine Pass
Should insufficient numbers play under these conditions Club play will revert to RealBridge
Nigel Gresson
26 January 2022