2019 Entertainment Book now available

2019 Entertaiment Book 

Check out the 2019 Entertainment Book with 2-for-1 offers, special rates and up to 50% off on activities, dining, shopping, travel and leisure

To order your Entertainment Membership visit: www.entbook.co.nz/154092a

Our Club contact: Donna in the Club office or email secretary@hamiltonbridgeclub.org.nz

NZ Bridge Constitution

New Zealand Bridge is in the process of updating its own Constitution

The just released draft version along with a feedback form can be found on the NZ Bridge website

Click here to be taken to the appropriate page on the NZ Bridge website

Inter-Provincial Teams

What are The Inter-Provincials or as they are more commonly known the IPs ?

The IPs are a teams competition in which the 7 NZ "Bridge Regions" ( Auckland-Northland, Waikato-Bays, Central Districts, Wellington, Top of the South, Canterbury & Otago-Southland ) complete against one another
These competitions take place in 4 different "grades" - Open, Intermediate, Women & Seniors with the overall winner being the the Region with the most points from the events in the 4 different grades

The overall winner is awarded the Dougal McLean Trophy which for the past 3 years has been held by the Wellington region

Again in mid November battle commences in Christchurch over 3 days were the regions will challenge each other with the aim of being the best!

Waikato Bays held trials recently in Tauranga with the result that these Hamilton Bridge Club members qualified for the inter-provincial teams :

Senior     -   Ella Gray and Michael Neels
Open      -   Yuzhong Chen and Noel Grigg
Women   -   Jenna Gibbons

Chef de Mission (CDM) for Waikato-Bays for the event is Jenny Millington


Rodney Harris

The Club sadly notes the passing of our member Rodney Harris. Rodney, whose home club was Morrinsville, was a long time Wednesday night player and suddenly passed away during the week. We extend our sympathy to Rodney's family, friends and members of the Morrinsville Bridge Club

See also the tribute on the Morrinsville Bridge web site

The Bridge Zone - Broadcast on 1 May 2019

Proudly supported by NZ Bridge – taking Bridge to the airwaves
John Wayne

* Howdy partner, John Wayne shares a thought with us

* Word of the day – be gentle out there….

* Judge Julie -
       When to correct the incorrect info
       Bid wrong – what can you do?
       No show at a team’s event – what’s the result

* Results - Wellington Regionals
       Historic and stats

* Book of the week It’s a big one – The Official Encyclopedia of Bridge

* Bridge2success - join in the fun online with Fun Bridge on May 11th   It’s a global tournament


   * Interview with Sabine Auken


* Sofia Bridge Festival 2019 – May 13th 19th


  Who are we… we don’t know their names
  email us if you know


Want a call – drop us an email – bridgezoneshow@gmail.com and we will contact you…….     It’s that simple !

THE BRIDGE ZONE   ( click to listen )

Ask an Expert

Ask the expert


Have a bridge question ? - did I bid wrong, should I have made the contract, why didn't the........

If you indeed have one of those difficult bridge questions or need playing advice then
join Barry or Ella every Tuesday after afternoon bridge.
From 4 thru 5pm one or both will be at the club-rooms for advice or to answer your questions

WAP Round 2 @ Te Aroha

Congratulations to our Club members who had a very good afternoon at Te Aroha last Sunday

Phil Thompson and Ian Ross came 1st N-S in the 2nd session in section A with 69.47%.

Mereanna Cullen and Rodney Harris also came 1st N-S in the 2nd session in section B with 63.49%

Well done

Searching for a tournament.....

Searching NZ Bridge for tournaments ?


    * Cut out the middleman - skip going via NZ Bridge


    * Link directly to the tournament page by clicking on Coming Tournaments

      under Articles on the LH side bar


    * Choose between either Waikato Bays events or "All of New Zealand" events

Week 10 Friday Results ...

.. X-Club results now listed with the Week 10 Wednesday results as Wednesday and Friday boards got swapped around.

2019 Subscriptions

Our piggy bank is not bottomless and unfortunately needs an occasional "top up" - the Club has an expensive building to maintain....

Your subs form a large part of the Clubs income and were due at the end of February. There is rather a high percentage of subs still outstanding so if you fit this category can you please pay......


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